Blackpool and Fylde Land Rover Club

Blackpool and Fylde Land Rover Club
Date: 23rd January 2022 Time: 10:00am - 1:30pm

We're thrilled to be welcoming Blackpool and Fylde Land Rover Club from around 11am onwards. Like all visiting clubs, the member's vehicles will be displayed in our outdoor exhibition area just outside the museum's main entrance.

On display will be various member's various Land Rovers ranging from Series Land Rovers through to the current models.

The club was formed in March 2017 by a group of local Land Rover Enthusiasts. Their aim was to bring local enthusiast and their families together to share knowledge and the love of their motors. You can find out more about the club and see photos of the vehicles on their website.

Although timings can't be guaranteed, most clubs visit the museum between 11am - 1pm.

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