Club Visit: All Cars Club - Cars & Coffee Season Finale

Club Visit: All Cars Club - Cars & Coffee Season Finale
Date: 9th September 2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:30pm

We're thrilled to be welcoming members of the All Cars Club at the museum from around 09:00 to around 12:00. Like all visiting clubs, the member's vehicles will be displayed in our outdoor exhibition area just outside the museum's main entrance.

All Cars Club describe themselves as a group for all car enthusiast's from all different scenes: cars, motorbikes, trucks & everyone is welcome. You can contact them via their Facebook Group here > . The group met at the museum earlier in the year and it was such a popoular event that they decided to come back. The Car & Coffee Season Finale is their final event of the year and everyone is invited to attend, grab a coffee from Cafe Ambio and chat about cars! You can see the event on Facebook here >

*Due to the nature of owners' clubs and their journey to get to us, we cannot guarantee timings and the number of vehicles at the museum.

📷- Photo from All Cars Club Facebook pages

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