Motor Museum display celebrates iconic D-Day workhorse

Motor Museum display celebrates iconic D-Day workhorse

Display celebrates iconic jeep workhorse which helped D-Day troops

Among the many fascinating exhibits at the Lakeland Motor Museum there’s one vehicle which stands out in this month of D-Day remembrance.
The Second World War Willys Jeep is part of a regular display at the museum which takes on added poignancy as we remember the Normandy landings of June 1944.
It’s a tribute to a workhorse vehicle which became an iconic symbol of WWII and which would play a crucial role in the monumental effort of freeing occupied Europe.

The Lakeland Motor Museum's Willys MB Jeep in commemoration of the Normandy Landings

Over 600,000 Jeeps were built for military service between 1941 and 1945 and many thousands are now cherished by private owners.

The Willys MB (Military Model B) Jeep has been described as the Swiss Army knife of the allied forces who began their invasion of Nazi occupied France on June 6, 1944.
The companies Willys-Overland and Ford had responded to a request from the US Army and designed one of the first 4x4s in automotive history. It was designed to go anywhere in any weather and be easy to maintain and repair. It had a top speed of around 65 miles per hour. The basic configuration came equipped with a machine gun, two submachine guns and a radio.
Chris Lowe, Curator at the Lakeland Motor Museum, says: “This month we remember and honour the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought for our freedom during the Normandy landings.
“We hope our display involving the Willys Jeep will remind people of the monumental effort involved in re-taking occupied France and how brave soldiers relied on these little vehicles to carry them towards eventual victory.”

The Museum, at Backbarrow, also has a permanent World War One display which raises vital funds for the Royal British Legion.

The Lakeland Motor Museum has a unique collection of 30,000 exhibits including 140 classic cars and motorbikes, all carefully assembled over 50 years. Nestled in the scenic Leven Valley and open seven days a week, the Museum isn’t just about cars. The entire collection is presented in a social context, with a host of rarities to awaken special motoring memories.

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