Book Your Tickets

Step 1: Dates & Tickets
Step 2: Arrival Time
Step 3: Your Information
Step 4: Payment
Step 5: Your Tickets

Pick your date:

Select your tickets:


Pick your arrival time:

Day ticket:

This ticket is valid anytime on the day you have selected.

Please be aware most visitors spend a minimum of an hour and a half at our museum.

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Checking availability…

Important Information to read:

Please arrive in time for your booking so that we can keep customers socially distanced inside.

Arriving late may result in you being unable to enter the museum.

The last available entry time is 1 hour before the museum closes.

Your details:

Billing address:

Confirming your booking:

Lakeland Motor Museum take the security of your data seriously. Your details will not be shared with any third parties without your consent unless we're required to do so by law, or in the interest of fraud prevention.

Your card payment will be handled securely by Stripe on our behalf. At no point are your card details collected by, or stored on our website.

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